Zuletzt bearbeit am Sonntag, 15 Dezember, 2013
Mind the Gap! – Potential Space in Systemic Social Work
4th Merseburg Conference on Systemic Social Work at 19th October 2012
“Mind the Gap!” – The London Tube uses that when you enter the train to warn you about the space between the platform and train door.
“Mind the Gap!” – A gap is not necessarily just an annoying hole into whose opening you can fall and get hurt or even worse, lost. Gaps can also be an aperture which opens new spaces wherein unexpected developments are possible. It is sometimes only with distance between, that allows connections to the environment to emerge as well as details and differences become more prominent and commonality and disparity more comprehensible. One’s own position is made more conscious. Gaps establish differences by emphasizing a literal gateway for the new through play (potential space?).
This topic will be addressed at the 4th Merseburg Conference on Systemic Social Work on October 19, 2012. Practitioners from Germany and participants of the STEP project will present their own approaches to systemic social work professional identity.
The STEP-Projekt „Systemic Social Work throughout Europe” brings together representatives of systemic social work from Vienna, London, Aberdeen, Helsinki, Lucern, and Merseburg. During the two-year European Union funded Project STEP partner meet in each place and compare their respective understanding of systemic approaches in social work, its differences and similarities. At each meeting we invite an exchange of local practices through conferences.
“Mind the Gap!” – The conference will be bilingual, i.e. all lectures, plenary sessions, and several workshops will be conducted in German and English, others in only one language. For participants, it is sufficient to be proficient in one of the two languages. Due to the bilingual nature, the conference will not be fast paced, but rather, a “slow conference.” Through this, you will be experimenting with the gaps, holes and will be placed within the arena of potential space. While translating can be time-consuming, it can also allow room for other impressions, experiences and thoughts for which there is generally no place. We invite everyone to be involved in this experiment.
The conference is organized by the STEP partners from Merseburg: Prof. Dr. Lisa Werkmeister Rozas (Hartford/University of Connecticut, School of Social Work) and Prof. Dr. Johannes Herwig-Lempp (Hochschule Merseburg).
Coordinator is Julia Hille, M.A.
„Mind the Gap“ Conference
University of Applied Sciences Merseburg
Geusaer Straße
D-06217 Merseburg
Tel. +49/ 3461/ 46 22 31
Design logo and poster: Thomas DiPaolo , Rottenburg