Zuletzt bearbeit am Mittwoch, 3 Oktober, 2012
The workshops will be given either bilingual (in English and German) or only in English (E) or only in German (D). Common agreement is that everybody can in every moment ask for support in translation.
Workshops A (11:00 – 12:30)
A1 – Claudia Zeckel: Sibblings as Experts – for their Family and for Each Other (D)
The work with siblings in families with children and youth on the autism spectrum is a place where the application of systemic methods in educational practice is possible. As the experts in their families, siblings have many competencies and can benefit through their goal oriented strengths used when dealing with the pressures (stresses) created by their challenging siblings. This expert knowledge also makes it one of the best guides. In this workshop, some resource-oriented and creative systemic methods for family discussions and work with children and youth will be presented.
A2 – Anke and Michael Maas-Lowit: Challenges of working systemically in situations of high risk and legal restriction (D/E)
Mental Health Office (MHO) is a specialist social work role within the Scottish legal system. It brings social work skills, knowledge and experience to situations in which mentally ill people are compelled by law to have their liberty restricted because of high risk to health, welfare or safety. Within these situations there exists a small sub-group of people (which the law refers to as “Mentally Disordered Offenders”) who have committed serious and often violent crimes which have some relationship to their mental disorder. This brings the specialist social work role into relationships with the Scottish Government, the Criminal Courts and high security hospital systems and into relationships with victims, relatives and mentally disordered offenders, whose crimes are often reported in the national media and who are generally considered to be dangerous individuals.
A3 – Bernhard Lehr: Sculpting Chairs (D/E)
The participants will be given an insight and first use in the application of the method of the constellation work (“sculpting”) with chairs. This method is very suitable for the reflection of problem constellations. It helps to analyse cases of social work and team building. It helps to make visible and perceptible relationships and communication circuits. The participants can bring their own cases or experiences. The method is presented by case histories and the operation explained by reference to systemic principles and theories.
A4 – Michaela Judy: Those who need help stay away anyway. Social work in Adult Education (D/E)
Adult Education is bound to impart knowledge and skills to its clients. But often the living conditions of people object to this aim. Extending the group of those who gain access to education is a big challenge. Social work ist an ideal way to this aim.
A5 – Julia Hille & Jens Tappe: money, money, money, makes me funny – The Influence of Professional Identity to the Construction of „Fair Payment“ (D)
This workshop will be followed by an example of the construction of the professional identity of social workers and their impact on the individual assessment of their own remuneration. A discussion will be held about what effect this may have on the financial reward for social work.
Workshops B (14:30 – 16:00)
B1 – Irene Müller: Gender & Systemic Social Work. Gender Sensitiv Councelling and Expertise of Not-Knowing: A Contradiction? (D)
As professional social workers we have a mandate to look about social justice and human rights. This should include gender sensivity. Dimensions like „clients as experts“ (Kundigkeit) or „expertise of not-knowing“ are for a systemic counsellor important. Is this for systemic social workers a contradiciton or are there links between this positions? What does it mean for counselling interviews? After a short presentation we will exchange our ideas.
B2 – Ludger Kühling: Without aims does not mean aimless (D)
Goals are considered important. Social workers, however, often find that clients willingly formulate goals only to lose sight of them through the course of the day. In this workshop it will be argued that clients are in such situations find themselves in goal conflict, that at the moement they do not recognize. Here is may be useful for social workers to understand the value of the goals that must always be questioned.
B3 – Christine Keller & Raimo Wünsche: Overcoming dilemmas: Solutions for unconventional thinkers (D/E)
Problems may sometimes appear like a strong, unmovable wall. A „problem wall“ in the head is preventing creativity and blocking the perspective. The tetralemmaoperation, a kind of sys- temic structural constellation coming from Indian logic, gives us the chance to get over the „either-or“ and to turn towards new perspectives with creativity. The participants of the work- shop are invited to overcome a dilemma with the help of a Tetralemma. The workshop will be bilingual.
B4 – Lucie-Marie Jahn: Miracle (Question) in the Class Room – Useful Tips for School Social Work from the Systemic Treasure Chest (D)
In German schools an overstuffed curriculum, pressure to perform and fear of flunking out of school are all too common. A rigid school system, which must function and has few niches for personal fulfillment, is responsible for this. However, there are at least seven ways for systemic social work at the school level to take effect—this is what will be explored in this workshop.
B5 – Johannes Herwig-Lempp: Let’s Talk About Success! – A Resource Orientated Guideline (D/E)
Success is a resource, many successes are many resources – even when they seem very small. How to „exploit“ such ressources and make them helpful, we will show and train in this workshop.