Zuletzt bearbeit am Donnerstag, 8 August, 2013
Zeckel, Claudia – Halle (D); staff member of the Autism Health Care Center Halle, M.A., rehabilitation pedagogue, in training for „systemic child and youth therapist“ at ABIS in Leipzig
Wünsche, Raimo– Berlin (D); Diplom-Sozialpädagoge, Qualified Social Education Worker, Systemic Social Work M.A.; Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine for Children and Adolescents, Martin Gropius Hospital Eberswalde
Wolter, Tom– Halle (D), Tom Wolter was born in 1969 in Leipzig, he lives in Halle (Saale) since 1992, he lives with the poet Juliane Blech and his six children, works as an actor, director, author and lecturer; performer and producer since 1994, head of the independent theater „Wolter and Kollegen“; member of City Council in Halle (Saale) since 2006, Chairman of the Centre for drama and theater Saxony-Anhalt since 2004, member of the Cultural Council of Saxony-Anhalt since 2011. www.tom-wolter.de
Werkmeister Rozas, Lisa – Hartford/CT (USA); Ph.D. in Social Work, Master of Social Work, Associate Professor of Puerto Rican/Latino Studies at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. Her teaching and research interests are in oppression, discrimination, national identity, and health disparities.. STEP-Partner
Tappe, Jens – Magdeburg (D); systemic social worker/ social pedagogue M.A., coordinator at the social pedagogue family support of Gemeinnützige Paritätische Netzwerke
Müller, Irene – Lucerne (CH); lic. phil., MA in Social Work, is actually teaching systemic and solution focused counseling and sexual health at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Social Work, until 2011 practical work in several organisations, especially in women shelters with battered women and their children (domestic violence). STEP-partner
Milowiz, Walter – Vienna (A); Born 1947 in Styria, Austria. Studied physics and later psychology. Group dynamics trainer, supervisor and psychotherapist. Professor for psychology, counseling, systemic social work, project work and methods of social work at the Federal Academy of Social Work in Vienna, Austria 1979-2003. Lectureships at several universities of applied science and ASYS. Founder member and general secretary of ASYS. Founder and course director of the post-graduate course „Systemic Post-Graduate-Diploma for Social Work and Social Professions“ of ASYS. Several publications. Director of the STEP-Program
Maas-Lowit, Michael – Aberdeen (UK); Mike began his interest in social work in 1972, when he worked in residential child care. He graduated with a professional degree in Social Work from Aberdeen University in 1983. He worked in adult mental health/psychiatric hospitals in England and Scotland, subsequently taking up a teaching post in 1991. Since 1987, he has been closely involved in the development and training of specialist mental health social workers in Scotland, workers who exercise specific legal powers. He worked closely with and for the Scottish Government in developing this resource across Scotland and he wrote training materials for workers when the new generation of mental incapacity and mental health laws came to effect in 2000 and 2003. STEP-Partner
Maas-Lowit, Anke – Aberdeen (UK); Anke is trained as „Erzieherin“ in Germany, she has worked with children of all age groups in a range of settings. She has lived in Scotland since 1986 where she studied social work. She is a Practice Teacher and a Mental Health Officer. Since 1999 she has worked in mental health social work and since 2007 has worked primarily as a Mental Health Officer with mentally disordered offenders. STEP-Partner
Lehr, Bernhard – Vienna (A); born 1961 in Austria, experiences as a social worker in several fields of social work, professional supervisor and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences – FH Campus Wien – in Vienna. STEP-Partner
Kühling, Ludger – Tübingen (D); philosopher M.A., family therapist, supervisor (DGSF), training counsellor, main focus areas: outreach family therapy, advanced training, supervision, coaching, team development
Koglek, Robert– London (UK); Dipl.-Social Pedagogue, worked 10 years for the office for refugees and homeless people in Munich. In 2009 he started as social worker in the Children and Young People Services in London–Hackney. He is currently manager of the Professional Development Team. STEP-Partner
Keller, Christine – Eberswalde (D); Dipl.-Med., physician, specialised in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; specialised in Neurology and Psychiatry; Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine for Chil- dren and Adolescents, Martin Gropius Hospital Eberswalde
Judy, Michaela – Vienna (A); born 1957 in Vienna, Austria. Studied literature and cultural management. Group dynamics trainer, supervisor and manager of an adult education center for more than 20 years. At present working as a personal developer and a project manager. Lectureships in adult education – universities as well as other institutions – and ASYS. Member of ASYS (Arbeitskreis für Systemische Sozialarbeit, Beratung und Supervision), course director of the post-graduate course „Systemic Supervision“ and “Systemic Managing Diversity” of ASYS. Several publications. STEP-Partner
Jahn, Lucie-Marie –Leipzig (D); Social Worker/Social Pedagogue, B.A., staff member of the Caritas association Leipzig, since 2010 she has been working as school social worker at the Epsicopal Maria Montessori School Center Leipzig
Hille, Julia – Halle/Magdeburg (D); Systemic Social Worker/Social Pedagogue M.A., working in the field of outreach education support at the Youth Services Association Magdeburg Ltd., coordinator of the master program “systemic social work” and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Merseburg
Herwig-Lempp, Johannes – Halle (D); Dipl. Social Pedagogue, Systemic Social Worker, Dr. phil. Since 1998 professor for Science of Social Work/Systemic Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Merseburg. Study program director of the master program “systemic social work”. STEP-Partner